Gambell just placed 2nd at State for Battle of the Books in grades 5/6! Please join us in congratulating our awesome team of Betty, Arabella, Carina, and Coach Brandi! Way to go! 💙
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Gambell boys warming up now! Get up and yell! It's about to be loud in Sivuqaq!
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
If you trying to watch the BSSD live for regionals and it's not working then try watching on the browser and not in the YouTube app. It seems to be working that way.
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Bering Sea Conference Tournament is coming to Sivuqaq this Monday! We have a Spirit Week planned starting with Monochrome Monday where you wear one color! School will be 9-1:30 all week with no afterschool activities. Gymlist will be used all week. We will have our hospitality room going all week and would welcome any donations or volunteering to make our visitors feel welcome and fed well! Let's show everyone how great of hosts the Mighty Qughsatkut are!
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
sprit week
Good morning! Just a reminder that we are having an early out today at 1:30 for staff training.
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Sivuqaq: Monday 2/19: Gym is canceled due to low visibility. Tuesday 2/20: We will monitor weather in the morning and keep you updated on start times. School will be an early out at 1:30 for staff training.
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Good afternoon Sivuqaq! Shootout starts today, Thursday, at 5pm. Tomorrow, Friday, school is out at 1:30 with atuq 1:00-1:30. Also, here is the School Climate and Connectedness Survey link for community/family: This is a great chance to celebrate what you see about the school that you like or voice your opinion.
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Conferences are on now until 8pm.
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
We have an early out today at 1:30 and then parent teacher conferences from 5-8pm. We wanted to have conferences later to give families a chance to attend that work late. Hope to see you all up here tonight!
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Semester One Award Assembly today in the gym at 2:30. Hope to see you there!
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
We are proud of our teams this weekend! The boys took a tough loss Friday night but battled back to beat Shaktoolik the next morning! Despite having a small travel team and not having their coach on the trip, our girls battled through and played with grit. They continue to grow and have great attitudes! Way to go boys and girls! 💙🤍
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Get up and yell! Two of BSSD's teams to beat this year are going head to head in Sivuqaq's Den! Shaktoolik boys are here! Doors open at 6 with little dribblers, middle school, and boys games. Our girls are playing tonight in Elim. Also, our battle of the books teams have been competing all week. Grades 3-4 places 2nd, grades 4-5 placed first and earned a bid to state, and HS placed 2nd.
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Chukotka Subsistence Communities Film in Yupik about to play at the school. Door prizes, popcorn, followed by spaghetti dinner. Starting now, come on up! Also the kids' science work as well as the scientists' work is up to be viewed.
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
The photography exhibit is open now in the MPR and school entrance until 7pm. Then we will have free hotdog dinner with cultural night in the gym that will include storytelling, dance, and atuq. Hope to see everyone up here!
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Gambell's Science Fair is a go! Wednesday at 5pm we will have a photo exhibit with our own Buddy Ungwiluk's photos among other photographers across Chukotka and Kamchatka. We will also have dancing and storytelling from our guests at 7pm followed by atuq. Free hotdogs and chips will be available. Then on Thursday we will be showing a Chukchi whaling film and having free spaghetti dinner. There will also be a lot of fun science activities throughout the school days on Wednesday and Thursday. A huge thanks to Gladys and our geophysicist friends at ARC-NAV for working so hard on this event.
11 months ago, Keith Shelton
Due to weather delays, our science fair will be postponed until our guests can all arrive. We have some amazing events planned such as cultural nights, photography displays, science projects from our own students and the visiting scientists, and food will be available. Stay tuned!
12 months ago, Keith Shelton
Message from the native store: 20% SALE! Everything except fuel, propane, ammo, and tobacco products!
12 months ago, Keith Shelton
We have an amazing science fair planned this year in collaboration with ARC-NAV ice geophysicists including photography showcases, cultural events, family nights, movie nights, and food. We look forward to seeing everyone down here Sunday to Tuesday. See the flyers for specifics.
12 months ago, Keith Shelton
Sivuqaq: Sorry for the late notice, we are dismissing students at 1:30 today for an all-staff training that needs to take place today.
12 months ago, Keith Shelton
Good afternoon Sivuqaq! Atuq at 2 today in the gym, hope to see everyone there!
12 months ago, Keith Shelton